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Recruitment of a consultant-dentist to the Chaudière-Appalaches Public Health Branch

September 19th, 2024
Job offer

The Department of Public Health and the Public Health Branch of the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de Chaudière-Appalaches wish to recruit a consultant dentist for a position starting on October 1, 2024.

This is a position in the clinical department of health promotion, prevention, and community organization of the Chaudière-Appalaches Public Health Branch.

Description of the expected involvement
Reporting to the CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches Regional Director of Public Health, and co-managed by the Health Promotion, Prevention, and Community Organization Department Manager, the Public Health Dental Consultant is responsible for deploying the dental component of the 2015-2025 National Public Health Program (MSSS) in all sectors of the Chaudière-Appalaches region.

In particular, he or she may be involved in the following aspects:
· Support for actions proposed in Quebec’s National Public Health Program 2015-2025 (NPHP), the regional public health action plan, particularly actions that relate to the overall development of children and youth and the adoption of a healthy and safe lifestyle, the public dental health strategic action plan, and the public dental health operational action plans for schools and daycare services;
· The development of health promotion or prevention initiatives targeting groups living in vulnerable situations, focusing on specific issues or health determinants.

He or she will act as a consulting dentist by getting involved in:
· Drafting public health positions on public policies that may have an impact on the oral health of the population;
· Efforts to reduce social inequalities in health;
· Population oral health surveillance activities;
· Planning and follow-up activities for public health actions in dental health.

Summary of responsibilities

Specific functions
· Ensure regional coordination, support, implementation, and evaluation of oral health activities of the regional public health action plan;
· Contribute to monitoring indicators and evaluating expected results;
· Providing regional support to dental practitioners and their managers;
· Ensure calibration of dental hygienists for school-based screening of children at risk for pit and fissure sealant needs, for screening of obvious treatment needs;
· Collaborate in supporting external partners;
· Coordinate regional dental public health action plans;
· Support and train local teams of dental practitioners;
· Coordinate regional oral health promotion campaigns;
· Apply the Dental Sealant Program and the Supervised Brushing Program in school and daycare settings;
· Promote fluoridation of drinking water to municipalities;
· Ensuring that we meet our obligations with regard to young people, seniors, and the population, in general;
· Support the implementation of the PQSBHB in CHSLD in collaboration with the Direction SAPA of the CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches;
· Support the implementation of any new dental health program at the request of the MSSS or the regional director of public health.

Requirements for the offered position
· Have a dental medicine doctorate;
· Be a member in good standing of the Ordre des dentistes du Québec;
· Have a minimum of three years general practice experience;
· Additional graduate training in public health or a related field, and experience in health program development and evaluation would be an asset;
· To become an active member of the Conseil des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens (CMDP) of the CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches;
· Be involved in teaching externs and preventive medicine residents, and participate in teaching in his or her team and department;
· Commit to taking additional courses in public health, as required. The content must be agreed with the head of the department;
· Participate in the activities of the public health department of the CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches.

Desired skills
· Ability to manage complex situations and present leadership qualities in achieving these mandates, as well as in its interactions with community stakeholders;
· Be able to communicate the vision and strategic objectives pursued;
· Demonstrate judgment, openness, flexibility, and fairness;
· Demonstrate interpersonal skills in communication and teamwork;
· Know how to plan and organize based on available activities and resources, while mastering effective processes for implementation.

Required skills
· Excellent command of spoken and written French;
· Excellent ability to synthesize and write scientific documents;
· Good oral communication skills;
· Sense of initiative and responsibility;
· Professional autonomy;
· Ability to work in a team;
· Good knowledge of the Office Suite;
· Good command of spoken and written English would be an asset.

Pay and working conditions
· Fixed-fee or hourly-fee method of remuneration as per the Entente relative à l’assurance maladie between the Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services and the Association des chirurgiens-dentistes du Québec, which is written under the agreement tab of the Dentists' Manual;
· Full-time (35-hour week) or part-time work schedule;
· Support and incentives for additional schooling.

Candidates interested in this position are invited to forward their resume and cover letter by email, no later than Friday, October 4, 2024.

CategoryJob offers - Dentist

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