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Message to members | Agreement with insurers and third-party payers: Successful steps taken by the ACDQ and major advances for its members

February 28th, 2023

Following the ultimatum issued to non-signatory insurers and third-party payers, we are pleased to announce that the offensive has been a great success and that, with only a few hours to go before the March 1, deadline, we have succeeded in rallying almost all of them.

Fewer complications for you, your employees and your patients
In fact, following our reminder, less than 1% of transactions will not be able to benefit from electronic transmission to insurers by the ACDQ Network as of March 1. This means that the list of non-signatory insurers and third-party payers has shrunk considerably since we informed you of the situation.

Here's a reminder of what to do starting March 1:

  • When it comes time to charge for your insured patients' care, even if the insurer's name is on the non-signatory list, still try to tele-transmit your patient's claims. You never know when that insurer might have signed the agreements and the electronic transmission service might be reinstated.
  • In the event of a failed tele-transmission to the insurer, you will see the following message (in French only): AIG13 : ASSUREUR (traitement électronique temporairement hors service) that confirms that the insurer or third-party payer is still deactivated from the Réseau ACDQ.
  • In these circumstances, ask the patient to pay the bill in full, give them their dental claim to forward to their insurer on their own. This is also when you can give them a copy of the explanation letter and tell them why you can no longer accommodate them as you did before.

I would like to remind you that the purpose of the agreements reached with insurers is to provide a framework for relations between dentists and insurers, to harmonize procedures and to increase efficiency. We are confident that we will be able to reach all insurers with patients in Quebec; stay tuned for our updates on this subject.

Benoit Desrosiers, DMD, MBA
Executive Director

Fee Guide 2025: how to access it

Are you an 2025 ACDQ member looking for your Fee Guide? Log in to your account on the portal, click on “Documentation” in the left-hand menu, then “Guides and kits”. Digital versions of the Abridged Guide and the complete guide are available in French and English.

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